Starbucks became an absolute powerhouse in the coffee industry by pulling off a seriously smart marketing strategy. They tossed aside all those old-fashioned marketing methods, like email, and instead went full throttle with their Starbucks Rewards program to connect with customers and build an army of loyal regulars.
And now, because with the brand-spanking-new Merchant Manager and "Owner Mode" on the joe Coffee App, small businesses like yours can get in on the action too! That's right, you can enjoy all the modern marketing capabilities that Starbucks has, right from the palm of your hand. Because, let's be real, coffee shop owners always on the go!
Rewards Card Deals to incentivize loyal customers to dedicate their coffee budget
Rewards cards are an excellent tool to attract new customers and introduce them to your coffee shop. But the real benefits come when they input their phone number and become a member of your rewards program, unlocking additional incentives like Deals.
This is a fantastic perk for small businesses, especially during the holiday season, as coffee shop owners receive the cash upfront. With the Deals feature, you can now encourage customers to support local businesses by dedicating their coffee budget to your shop. From your merchant manager, you can set a "deal amount" when loyal customers upload funds to their store-specific account.
For example, reward your customers with $75 when they upload $60
Market directly to consumers through Automated Campaigns
Coffee shop owners and customers are always on the go, so why waste time crafting marketing emails that won't be effective? The most successful marketing strategy, used by industry leaders like Starbucks, is to meet customers where they are - on their phones.
That's why our new "Campaigns" tool follows the same strategy and puts you in control.

From the Marketing tab of your joe Merchant Manager, coffee shop owners will be able to craft Automatic campaigns to reengage their customers.
Shop owners can choose from our pre-populated campaigns or create your own to reach your target audience.
To create your own and customize your audience refine by filtering based on the coffee customers' previous purchasing behavior, order status, reviews, type, and more. Craft your message, add promo code, and automatically send it to personally reengage your customers with the right message at the perfect time.
Toggle on and off campaigns to send the same message to a newly qualifying audience, then view the campaign's performance directly from your dashboard. Marketing directly to customers has never been easier or more effective.
Automated Campaigns are just one of the latest joe Rewards and marketing tools that are currently available to joe partners. To level up loyalty in your coffee shop, joe Point of Sale is the name of game.
joe Point of Sale is the all-in-one coffee shop operating system, complete with built-in mobile ordering, joe Rewards, and backed by joe's automated marketing engine. Get started below.