Updates to End of Night Report
The latest release to joe Point of Sale's End-of-Night Report feature is another step forward in streamlining the tip-out process for your baristas.
Previously, End-of-Night reports could not be pulled/printed without closing out the till and counting the cash drawer. This caused challenges for baristas who need to count and record their tips at the end of the shift, but do not wish to fully close out the till.
This feature now allows baristas to pull an end of night report, or end of shift report, for a specific time period rather than the entire day when the till is closed.
This makes it even easier for baristas to properly calculate the tips they have on their shift and easily split between team members.

Time Range for End of Night Report
As seen in the image below, when pulling an End-of-Night Report, a time range filter will automatically appear. From here, baristas can pull a report for the entire day, or adjust to their exact shift.

Please note: the Default filter time frame is from 12:00AM (Local Timezone) to 11:59PM (Local Timezone)
Baristas can then pull their tips, print a copy of the End-of-Night Report, and include it with any time sheets, or deposits that are a part of your team's best practices.

This small update will both reduce barista's cognitive load and ensure accuracy .
Because tip payout is vital to a barista's income and daily workflow the joe product team is continuously working on refining reporting. As reporting becomes more robust, this feature will live in the Reporting tab of the Point of Sale.
joe Point of Sale harmonizes in-person and digital orders, automates your coffee shop loyalty, and effortlessly acquires new customers who would otherwise settle for corporate coffee. Learn more below.